An interactive lifesaving story
Aidsfund / Case page for award jury
An interactive lifesaving story
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Our goal
Through online interactive storytelling we reach out to the widest possible audience: everyone who wants to make the world a better place. We want to create awareness and understanding, generating donations is secondary.
The story
There are 1.7 million children living with hiv worldwide. Only 55% of them have access to medicine. Without medicine, 50% of the children dies before their second birthday. Aidsfonds educates and leads up health workers within the communities to track down children with hiv, test them and their families and get them to a clinic or hospital.
The concept
With the concept "Wie weg is, is niet gezien" (loosely translated as: "Out of sight, out of mind"), we make it clear that finding the children is the very first step in helping them.
Throughout the storytelling page you can virtually open and close your eyes. In the ‘eyes open’ sections, you can see the results of the Aidsfonds strategy. In the ‘eyes shut’ sections, you see and read what happens when we lose sight of the children.
‘Wie weg is, is niet gezien’ is a variation on a Dutch children verse that is used when playing hide and seek.
Design & the brand
For the design of the page we applied already existing elements of the Aidsfonds brand identity, like colors, fonts and icons. The pieces of expression-tape, created as an underlier for the pay-off or to support more activistic messages, we used to create a collage feeling with pictures of personal stories of the health workers and children.
In order to bring the content closer to the reader, we chose a parallax storytelling page. By scrolling, moving images are interspersed with texts, bringing a complex and compelling story together in a clear, concise and poignant way.
On the page multiple interactives help bring the message closer to home. These fit into the way you are used to using your phone: accept a notification, click away a barrier and scroll through a calendar of medication. By doing this, you can experience the story in more ways than one and you can interact with the content more than you would by simply reading or watching it passively.
Thank you for judging.